Planting at Missouri Governor's Mansion

On a cool day in mid-May, Stark Bro's delivered and planted several fruit trees and blackberry plants to the Governor's Mansion in Jefferson City, Missouri.
The idea was to incorporate edible fruits into the landscape while also serving as a tip-of-the-hat to a former Missouri governor and member of the Stark family.
Lloyd C. Stark served as the 39th governor of Missouri, from 1937 to 1941. He managed Stark Bro's Nurseries & Orchards Co. (along with brother Paul Stark, Sr.) before and after his term as Missouri's governor. Stark Bro's was already nearly 100 years old in the early 1900s when Lloyd C. Stark became vice-president for his family's company. It was also during this time that the Golden Delicious apple was introduced.
The original Golden Delicious apple tree was discovered as a chance seedling growing on a farm in West Virginia. At that time, it was called 'Mullins Yellow Seedling' for the Mullins family who owned the farm. The fruit of the productive tree was popular among the locals for its excellent fresh-eating quality. The fruit was eventually presented to Stark Bro's in Louisiana, MO. Because of its exceptional flavor, and other qualities of the apple itself, the company purchased propagation rights and the tree was grafted and distributed as "Golden Delicious". To commemorate its 100th year, and Governor Lloyd C. Stark's involvement, Golden Delicious was selected as one of the apple trees planted at the present-day Missouri Governor's Mansion.

Here's what was planted at the Governor's Mansion:
- 1 Stark® Golden Delicious apple tree (semi-dwarf)
- 1 Starkrimson® Red Delicious apple tree (semi-dwarf)
- 1 CrimsonCrisp™ apple tree (semi-dwarf)
- 1 Emperor Francis sweet cherry tree (semi-dwarf)
- 1 Starkrimson® sweet cherry tree (semi-dwarf)
- 1 Starking® Hardy Giant™ Antique sweet cherry tree (semi-dwarf)
- 6 Triple Crown thornless blackberry plants
- 6 Chester thornless blackberry plants
- 6 Natchez thornless blackberry plants

Planting these fruit trees and berry plants had us reminiscing about the past while looking toward the future!
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