Pretty in Peach Collection
This beautiful and fruitful collection gives you everything you need for an attractive corner planting, dressing up the entrance of your driveway or brightening up a corner of your backyard. You’ll receive 1 Burbank™ July Elberta Dwarf Peach tree, 1 Dooley™ Blue Hydrangea, 1 Glowing Embers Hydrangea and 13 oz. of Stark® Tre-Pep™ Fertilizer to get your plants off to the best start.
To read all about each plant above and view a photo, see each variety by searching for the following on our website: Burbank July Elberta Dwarf Peach - Dooley™ Blue Hydrangea - Glowing Embers Hydrangea - and Stark® Tre-Pep™ Fertilizer.
Planting & Care
Learn all about how to grow peach trees in The Growing Guide. An entire section of our website dedicated to your growing success.