Sometimes only dill will do! Bouquet is early-flowering, with large seed heads. Great for a beginner or child’s garden as it very easy to grow — actually does best in poor soil! Harvest mild leaves as needed, or cut entire plant when pungent seeds have formed at the top. Use in pickling, as a flavoring or garnish for fish dishes, sauces, dips, potato salad and anything containing fresh cucumbers. Annual, but often reseeds itself. Photo courtesy of Baker Creek Heirloom Seed.
- Days to germinate: 7-14
- Days to maturity: 70-90 until seed harvest
- Start indoors: Not recommended
- Sow outdoors when temperatures reach 50º
- Seed spacing: 2-4” apart
- Seed depth: ¼”
- Produce size: N/A
- Yield: One plant/seedhead per seed
- Mature plant height: 3-4’
- Suitable for container growing: Yes
- Year of discovery: Approx. 3,000 B. C.; of Egyptian origin
Tools & Supplies
Having the proper tools and supplies when growing your own can make the difference between a good harvest and a great harvest! Here's a list that our experts recommend for this variety.