Soft, buttery goodness. Bibb-like heads enclose loose, sweet, crisp-tender leaves. Outer leaves are an attractive deep spring green; inner leaves are nearly white. Plant in humus-y soil, and do not to let the plants dry out. Sow heavily seeded rows every 10-14 days for a constant supply of baby greens. To harvest, cut the head near the plant base or just pick individual leaves as you need them. Very heat-tolerant and slow to bolt. Stays mild after others get bitter. Photo courtesy of Baker Creek Heirloom Seed.
- Days to germinate: 4-10 days
- Days to maturity: 65
- Start indoors 3-4 weeks before last frost. Sow ¼” deep in sterile planting medium.
- Transplant spacing: 8-12”
- Sow outdoors after the last frost.
- Seed spacing: 1”, then thin to 6-12” apart, depending on the size heads you want
- Seed depth: ¼”
- Produce size: Full heads are about 8-9” across
- Yield: One head per seedling
- Mature plant height: 10”
- Suitable for container growing: Yes
- Year of discovery: 1963
Tools & Supplies
Having the proper tools and supplies when growing your own can make the difference between a good harvest and a great harvest! Here's a list that our experts recommend for this variety.
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