Weeping Candied Apple® Crabapple Tree

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A Tiny Treat of a Tree! The perfect name for this weeping, flowering crab! It’s graceful weeping branches are covered with brilliant pinkish-scarlet blooms in spring. In fall, it’s tiny red fruit arrives to entice the birds. Reaches only 10-15 feet.


Bloom Color Pink, Red
Hardiness Zone Range 5 - 9
Shade/Sun Full Sun
Soil Moisture Well Drained
Soil pH Level 6.0 - 7.0

Zone Compatibility

This Variety's Zone Range 5 - 9
My Hardiness Zone ?
The USDA hardiness zones offer a guide to varieties that will grow well in certain climates. Each zone corresponds to the minimum winter temperatures experienced in a given area. Make sure that your hardiness zone lies within the zone compatibility range of this variety before ordering.

Planting & Care

Learn all about how to grow flowering trees in The Growing Guide. An entire section of our website dedicated to your growing success.


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