Ferti-lome® Broad Spectrum Landscape & Garden Fungicide

1 Pint.
Item #H145467
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Ferti-Lome Broad Spectrum Landscape and Garden Fungicide will control many diseases like anthracnose, blights, spots, mildews, and scabs for up to two weeks on a variety of ornamentals, vegetables, fruits, and flowers. Use this product as part of a comprehensive program designed to reduce the chance of resistance to single-site fungicides. Ferti-Lome Broad Spectrum Landscape and Garden Fungicide uses a multi-site mode of action which will help to avoid single-site resistance from developing.

Use on fruits, vegetables, shrubs, trees & ornamentals.

Helps control including but not limited to: Anthracnose, Leaf Blights, Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew, Leaf Curl, Scab, Black Spot, Fusarium Leaf Spot, and many more diseases listed on the label.

• For listed vegetable & ornamental diseases spray until the point of runoff and repeat at 7-14 day intervals.
• For fruit diseases apply full coverage until the point of runoff to thoroughly cover tree canopy including undersides of leaves.

Always read and follow label direction:
Download The Label

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9 Questions
Why did you choose this?

Mold and mildew are high in the area as evident on existing plants and trees.

Fruit trees have rust & black spots on their leaves.

Is it organic?

Ferti-Lome Broad Spectrum Landscape and Garden Fungicide is not considered an organic product.

How long to use after mixed?

We recommend following all label directions but typically they need to be used within 24 hours of mixing.

How do I mix it what is the ratio to water ?

There is a downloadable label on the product page in which you can find all the directions needed for use. https://www.starkbros.com/products/tools-and-supplies/pest-and-disease-controls/ferti-lome-broad-spectrum-landscape-and-garden-fungicide

Will this kill brown rot?

We recommend downloading the label on the website for specific information. But yes this should assist in a brown rot breakout.

Dosing for grass?

Ferti-Lome Broad Spectrum Landscape and Garden Fungicide is only labeled for use on ornamentals, conifers, and fruit and nut trees, so we are unable to provide a rate for lawn use.

My peach tree has curled an red leaf ‘s will this work ?

This is a common fungal disease that affects peaches and nectarines. Leaf curl can severely inhibit fruit production. Disease fungi overwinter underneath the bark, around buds and in other protected areas. During cool, wet spring weather, the spores infect new leaves as they emerge from the buds. Later, the fungus produces millions of new spores, which are splashed or blown from tree to tree.

Symptoms: Leaf curl shows up in the spring as reddish areas on new leaves, which then thicken and crinkle, causing them to “curl.” Spray the whole tree after most all of leaves have dropped in the fall, and again in the early spring, just before buds open.
Control: Natural Spray

Bonide® Copper Fungicide Spray or Dust
Bonide® Citrus, Fruit & Nut Orchard Spray
Monterey Fruit Tree Spray Plus
Monterey Horticultural Oil

How much do I apply for avocado and lime tree in 10 gallon containers?

You'll first always read and follow label directions and we have a link to the label above. I did not find avocado or limes listed on the label so I would not recommend this product to be used on those types of plants.

Can I spray this on my peach tree during growing season?

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