Nearly coreless. Sweet, brilliant orange, blunt, cylindrical roots are very delicate and fine-grained. High moisture content make them a natural for juicing and good for storing. Originally from France but grown in this country for 70 years now. A good variety for heavier soils. Adds character to any soup, stew or roast; delicious when simply steamed or cut into carrot sticks. Photo courtesy of Baker Creek Heirloom Seed.
- Days to germinate: 6-20
- Days to maturity: 65-75
- Start indoors: Not recommended
- Sow outdoors after the last frost.
- Seed spacing: 2-3”
- Seed depth: ¼”
- Produce size: 6-7” long, about 1-1/2” diameter
- Yield: 1 carrot per seed
- Mature plant height: 8-12”
- Suitable for container growing: Yes
- Origin: France, popularized in the U.S. in the 1950s
Tools & Supplies
Having the proper tools and supplies when growing your own can make the difference between a good harvest and a great harvest! Here's a list that our experts recommend for this variety.
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